Diploma in Explosives Management

SAQA ID: 101120
APS/AS: 17
Maximum time to complete this qualification: 8 years
Admission requirements
Qualification admission requirements
Your admission to Unisa is dependent on you meeting the specific admission requirements for your chosen qualification.
Pre-approval is required - please contact Lyndsey Lourie at (011) 471-2747 or email Lourilc@unisa.ac.za.
Selection will be based on: Proof of current employment in the explosives
industry (letter from employer), and meeting the College admission requirements
listed below:
A National Senior Certificate (NSC) (Diploma endorsement) with at least 50% in the language of teaching and learning and with at least 40% in Mathematics or at least 70% for Mathematical Literacy
a Senior Certificate (SC) with at least a D symbol on HG or a C symbol on SG in the language of teaching and learning and with at least an E symbol on HG or D symbol on SG in Mathematics
any Higher Certificate obtained in the College of Economic and Management Sciences.