UMP Online Application - How to apply online at UMP

Quick Links: (See how to apply below before clicking on these links)
First-time applicant
Support Documents (certified copies)
- ID
- Proof of payment (Application fee R150)
- Senior Certificate/National Senior Certificate
- other relevant documents (Grade 11 final or Grade 12 June)
Banking details are on application rules under step no. 1.
Step 1: Look for a course you wish to apply for
Step 2: Pay the Application fee to avoid ( Money omitted status)
Step 3: Click here to Apply Now
Step 4: On the Prospective Students click "register"
Step 5: Then start filling in the form on the screen
Make sure you remember your student number and pin (Check your email for this info)
Step 1: Click Here
Step 2: Go to "Application"
Step 3: Navigate to "submit application"
Step 4: press "search" and select the course you want
Step 4: Choose a course
Step 5: Enter course choice and press save and continue
For additional assistance contact UMP directly
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